Technological innovations, such as the use of AI to analyse massive geographic data sets, are developing fast. This conference creates a unique opportunity for New سԹto contribute to cutting edge research and incorporate new methodologies into our governmental and industrial processes and decision-making.
is the lead local chair for the conference. He says Aotearoa New سԹoffers a particularly compelling backdrop for the GIScience conference.
Geographic information plays a role in decision-making not only in the public and private sector to inform responses to disasters and critical issues for example, but also in the wider population, such as navigational support.
“As our organisation team demonstrates, we have a strong and growing local research community in GI Science working across all of New Zealand’s universities. New سԹis a place where interesting and varied GI Science research is being conducted and crucially where the application of geographic information science is felt across all sectors of society,” he says.
“UC’s impactful research solves local and global challenges, and we pride ourselves on our inclusive community and delivering a high standard of research-led education that is accessible, flexible and future focused,” says UC Amo Matua Pūhanga | Executive Dean Engineering, Professor Saurabh Sinha.
“We are excited to be welcoming delegates from across the world to share our knowledge and collaborate to make a difference.”
The conference is being organised by UC along with partners at University of Auckland, Massey University, University of Otago, and supported by ChristchurchNZ and Tourism New Zealand.
Read the original release .